The serene and delicate ballet of flamingo tiptoeing in the shallows of Ngorongoro crater lake. More commonly seen wading a little deeper, here I have depicted the flamingo walking in the shallows to showcase their full beauty and almost vulnerable looking legs. When living in Africa I loved visiting Nakuru a rift valley soda lake where this phenomena could also be observed in its full glory.
Size: 210mm diameter by 210mm in height
Timber: Macrocarpa
Finish: Artists acrylics
To give you all an Idea of the total image I have done some very bad photoshop work adjoining about 20 images that wrap around the whole vessel. Perhaps more work than I even realised when seen all at once. Please excuse the mismatched sections I am not prepared to correct for optical distortion etc let alone the curved surfaces of the vessel itself. None the less I hope you enjoy.

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