August 23 2019
The branches of the baobab tree are now roughly blocked in with some of the basic highlights. The next step is to model the highlights and adjust the tone for atmospheric perspective, this will involve making the branches towards the background lighter. Enjoy. You are welcome to share.

August 29 2019
It is important to have a supervisor while on the job.I am sure she was saying that I had missed a bit and that it was not up to standard and needed to be fixed so that it was. This is one of the images from the time lapse that will come from this painting. As those that do this sort of work will know there is a lot of editing to remove the images where you are doing something else other than the work itself otherwise the video will not look seamless.

September 6 2019
Now for some of the detail in the branches, here the progress slows down now to hours of fine brushwork.In this picture you can see some of the branches on the lower right of the tree have been worked up. A fascinating play of light across the branches here, can be quite confusing as there are shadows from branches above cast over the lower branches so it is a little complex. Hopefully it will steadily emerge from the canvas.

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