Gordon Pembridge Wildlife Artist

Studio Update

October 30 2020

The first layers of paint going on to this carved vessel. Now it starts to get exciting as my vision for what I had for this piece starts to come to life.

November 6 2020

Some more colour. Getting to the last of the flamingo needing the blocking in stage. Next week will be the detail and ripples. I am so lucky to have those memories from lake Nakuru. The contrast of the colours between water and flamingo is just so striking when seen directly. The white feathers have a glowing but subtle orange-pink, they are so beautiful. I hope when finished to have done these beautiful and unique birds justice. Looking at the picture here, it simply does not render the subtle colours on the actual artwork. The colour in the picture looks quite dull compared to the artwork, artists pigments exceed the colour gamut of digital technology, cameras etc.

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