November 19 2021
The painting is progressing well. I knew the detail would start to slow me down. At this stage the light is established in the painting. Now for the refining and detailing stage of the birds. Here you can see the underpainting of the spots on the left guineafowl. There will be various layers on the spots to give them depth. At this stage they look quite flat. Lots of work to do yet. I hope you all have a nice weekend and keep safe and well.

November 27 2021
Spots spots and more spots, indeed I was seeing spots and still am. Putting spots on a bird is one thing but making them look real is another. As you can imagine there is still just so much more work to do yet. Even though I have a rough pattern of spots on each bird there are many layers to enhance the illusion of the spots. The guineafowl on the left has had two more layers of paint to the spots and is starting to look more realistic. Those that do this kind of work will understand that simply there are no shortcuts in this game. I hope you all take care and have a nice weekend.Enjoy.

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