Gordon Pembridge Wildlife Artist

Tempestuous Rendezvous

August 13 2022

An epic journey this has been for me. All the days, weeks and months have come to a satisfying resolution for me. Is it perfect, never and will always be a learning experience when I put brush and oil paint to a beautiful surface like mounted lead primed Belgian linen. I love the never ending learning that happens in fine art and the challenges that need to be overcome. This painting is a celebration of an amusing incident witnessed in the African bush with my uncle and immediate family. I will always remember this special moment spent with wildlife, my uncle, daughter and wife, a moment I feel so lucky to have shared. This is about bull elephant getting a little flustered on a hot dry dusty day at the water hole. Very much an occasion to toss ones weight around when you get crowded at the waters edge when slaking your thirst. It is one thing to have impala pressing your patience and space but the warthog family was the last straw !! The oxpeckers naturally took flight too. Suffice to say Im sure the warthog family didn’t find it amusing but it was quite hilarious from the sidelines viewed through telephoto lenses and binoculars. Discretion being the better part of valour, it certainly was best viewed from a distance. Take only photos and memories and leave only footsteps is my motto. After witnessing this Tempestuous Rendezvous the memory still lingers. I reflect on the absolute pleasure and wellbeing I feel in the presence of elephant and family. This brings me to my effort this year for world elephant day.

Oil on mounted Belgian lead primed linen. 

Size 140cm(55 inches) by 85cm (33.5 inches) 

Title. Tempestuous Rendezvous  

I have truely enjoyed sharing with you my journey on this piece of artwork. My very best wishes to you all, keep safe and well. Gordon

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