Gordon Pembridge Wildlife Artist

Studio Update

I have been very busy in the background finishing the rest of my small studio, finishing cupboards and painting everything. I am now satisfied that I can work in a nice clean organised looking environment which I enjoy. I have also made myself a heated vacuum table for hot mounting my canvas to panel using museum grade adhesive. I am very pleased with the way this works as it doesn’t take too much time to mount my Belgian linen to panel. I like to pay particular attention to the longevity of my artwork so the materials I use are very important to me. 

This is the beginning of a big cat painting. I hope you join me on this journey. I hope to capture the moment of tension when something hidden in the grass has caught the leopards attention, that inevitable piercing stare as he looks in your direction, in this case he hasn’t seen the quail in the grass yet, what will happen next ?…..  

After the high of my recent achievements it has made me realise I have so much more to do with my wildlife art so back to work. 

My very best wishes to you all, keep safe and well. Gordon

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