Gordon Pembridge Wildlife Artist

Studio Update

I love this stage of the painting, the final touchups, fixing the small mistakes, rendering the small nuances that make all the difference. Feeling the real and fulfilling satisfaction of an idea and an experience visually communicated in oils. The enjoyment of being able to share the fully rendered beauty that I have experienced in life. Such a simple concept really and yet it has so many layers of composition, paint, time, determination and everything else that goes into this sort of work. As many an artist will know it takes courage to walk the talk and not just to talk about it. The ability to feel gratitude for ones ability to be able to share this beauty in life is indeed a special experience for myself and those out there that get it. Their lives are the richer for it. As I have always in the back of my mind aimed to be a positive entity here, I too hope your lives are the richer for being here with me on this journey of mine and yours too. www.gordonpembridge.com 

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Studio Update

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Studio Update

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Studio Update

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