Studio Update

August 13 2019 More progress on the baobab tree here you can see the layers as you descend down the trunk on the left from the underpainting to the detail. August 15 2019 August 18 […]
August 13 2019 More progress on the baobab tree here you can see the layers as you descend down the trunk on the left from the underpainting to the detail. August 15 2019 August 18 […]
August 13 2019 For World Elephant Day
August 9 2019 Some of the lofty branches of the baobab are starting to take shape. Methodically working down from the top left, not worried about too much detail at this stage, the main thing […]
July 30 2019 More wrinkles, as if the rhinos were not enough! Still mapping out the painting with iron oxides in the underpainting. I like the warmth this colour has as an underpainting. It goes […]
July 15 2019 Well this is how it starts, the big white canvas mounted on panel. A beautiful bull elephant with a baobab in the background. It struck me how isolated this tree was by […]
June 2019 Nakuru Sunset Pictured amongst the fever trees bathed in the warm beauty of an African Sunset.This scene is so typical of the beauty that surrounded me as a boy in Kenya.The Fever trees […]
Some more progress on this carved vessel. I always enjoy the colour after the carving stage, the vessel starts to come to life, hopefully evolving into the vision I had to start with. Here the […]
This beautiful fine art oil painting by Gordon Pembridge tells a story of The Lucky Five rhino rescued from desperate beginnings, due to poached parents. Now released back into the wild after some very dedicated […]
A commissioned piece here for an architect. I’m enjoying the variety I get by doing this kind of work. The brief being a rustic chunky carved vessel like this in ancient kauri. I treasure this […]
How could you not be inspired by the harsh beauty of an African dry season with the cryptic contrast of the Reticulated Giraffe. Pictured here in amongst acacia trees looking for water. The water hole […]
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